iCreatevo Colour Palette Texture
This bundle includes:
- Base colour palette texture
- Emissive colour palette texture
- Blender template file with material and textures setup, as seen on my YouTube tutorials
Example Kitchen Scene
One material.
Example Of Colour Palette
One Material, 208 objects.
Low Poly Modelling
A colour palette using one material is ideal for lowing the amount of processing power required to render game assets.
Low poly models are not as detailed and therefore an idea starting place to learn 3D modelling.
iCreatevo YouTube Playlist
The below YouTube playlist will show you how to create your own colour palette texture, material and blender template file.
The above playlist will also show you how to use the iCreatevo colour palette Texture.
Watch the video to decide which way you should go.
Purchase If You Don’t Have The Time
If you don’t have the time to create your own then purchase this item.
Either way, watching or purchasing you are supporting iCreatevo.
License agreement
Feel free to use these assets in your personal or professional work.
However, you can't resell these assets or any part of these assets.
About iCreatevo
iCreatevo is a small studio and for its first big project is creating an animated comedy series using Blender.
Funding through tutorials on YouTube and internal products sold on Gumroad that are actually used to create the animated series.
Included: Base colour palette texture, Emissive colour palette texture, Blender template file with material and textures setup, as seen on my YouTube tutorials